Kitchen and bathroom new build – Oak Road

Kitchen and bathroom new build – Oak Road


As with many kitchen and bathroom new build projects, we ended up doing a complete package for our clients on Oak Road, including an upstairs mini kitchen and the laundry. We worked closely with the client to meet their brief and deliver kitchen and bathroom spaces that suited their lifestyle.

The Project:

The design

Working with a smaller kitchen space, we created a larger one by bringing it into the living area with a clever pocket door pantry design and by adding a breakfast bar. Working with high-quality materials and light colours, we were able to give the kitchen a lighter, brighter and more spacious atmosphere.
We followed the same styling into the bathroom and laundry to provide a consistent look throughout the home, including the fixed cabinets and wardrobes in the bedrooms.

Materials and features

  • Wardrobes with laminex prefinished board.
  • Porcelain benchtops with an overmounted bowl to protect the benchtop around the sink.
  • Bathroom vanity porcelain benchtop.
  • The joinery was made from melteca, prefinished board.
  • Genia wood paneling under breakfast bar.

The result

The home has a kitchen with a unique design, creating space in the main kitchen by putting the cooking appliances in the scullery. Porcelain adds luxury and style as well as being an excellent working surface, as you can put hot pots on it without causing damage.
By extending the styling throughout the home, it now has a clean, elegant and modern atmosphere with a timeless colour palette, which will keep its contemporary look for many years to come.